Credit Card Submissions

The Credit Card Submissions app is an internal app used to submit receipts for Credit Card purchases, and access the archive of credit card purchases.

We collect no data from this app. This includes but is not limited to data that could directly or indirectly identify you.

The app features two external links. These links take you to a service not controlled by the National Theatre Lighting Department.

New Submission

When using the New Submission liink you will be taken to a Microsoft Form. Microsoft Forms are goverened by Microsoft’s Privacy Policy. The National Theatre IT Department will have access to certain data, such as submission data. This data is collected to protect National Theatre systems and resources.

The National Theatre Lighting Department only has access to submission data. Any submission data will be saved indefinetly for the purpose of monitoring show systems. Please contact Lighting Control if any data needs to be removed.

Submission Archive

The Submission Archive link will take you to an Excel Spreadsheet, hosted in the National Theatre Sharepoint system. This system is goverened by Microsoft’s Privacy Policy. The National Theatre IT Department will have access to certain data, such as submission data. This data is collected to protect National Theatre systems and resources.

Members of the National Theatre Lighting Department will have access to this spreadsheet and can see who made changes, the cahnges they made and when.